We invite you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to obtain some significant free TV promotion in exchange for your participation in our annual Holiday Gift Auction. This year’s event will feature 60 days of online bidding and TV promotion, starting October 16 and culminating with a live television entertainment special on December 14. Proceeds from the event will benefit both – CTV and Ijams Nature Center.
We Need Your Help . . . An event like this always requires an enormous amount of planning and coordination well in advance. Currently, we are seeking quality donated gift items to be auctioned, including merchandise, services or gift certificates. As a Community Partner, your business and the gift item(s) you donate will be showcased:
- on Cable TV (in over 100,000 households) every day for 2 months (Oct 16 – Dec 14)
- on our Gift Auction Website where everyone must go to bid on the full collection of items
- on CTV during our live televised 8-hour special on Saturday, December 14
Sooner, or Later . . . If you have something you would like to donate right away, we will be pleased to make arrangements to pick it up in the next couple of weeks. If you do not have the item to donate right now, but you know you would like to participate, your pledge to donate an item later in the year will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate a gift certificate, but you do not have printed certificates, we will be pleased to prepare professional quality certificates for you.
Please Let Us Know . . . For your convenience, we have created the online Community Partner Response Form presented below. Please complete the form and submit it as soon as possible to let us know how you would like to participate this year. If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to give Kevin Jeske a call at 215 – 4352. He will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
The Auction Site . . . Here is a link to this year’s auction site: auction.ctvKnox.org. Please NOTE: The site is still under construction. Design modifications and new items are being added every day. Though you may be tempted, please do NOT attempt to start bidding on any of the items until October 16th.
The mission of Ijams Nature Center is to encourage stewardship of the natural world by providing an urban green space for people to learn about and enjoy the outdoors through engaging experiences. The mission of Community Television of Knoxville (CTV) is to promote citizen involvement by providing TV production facilities and airtime for local organizations and community residents.